What are your permissions on your RT folders? I'd take a look at those.


On Aug 26, 2008, at 11:55 AM, Nick Price wrote:


I'm still having a few problems with the web interface of rt-3.8.1 on a new install of fedora 9 including all the latest updates

In firefox on the localhost RT will run as follows http://localhost or http://localhost/rt both take me to RT login page but I
only see the page in text format

On a remote PC if I try to connect to RT http://myIPaddress I get the default apache welcome page
when I try http://myIPaddress/rt  I get 404 webpage could not be found

The Fedora server will also be running mrtg as the main page (http://myIPaddress )

so I need RT to run as http://myIPaddress/rt

it doesn't matter what i seem to add it just flips between text and full mode in both root and myIPaddress/rt

I need it to run only as http://myIPaddress/rt

Please any ideas

This is the config i'm running with now  /ect/httpd/conf.d/rt3.conf

NameVirtualHost localhost
<VirtualHost localhost>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    ServerName localhost
    DocumentRoot "/opt/rt3/share/html"
    AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
    PerlRequire "/opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl"

    <Location /NoAuth/images>
        SetHandler default

    <Location /rt>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlResponseHandler RT::Mason

and RT_SiteConfig.pm

Set( $rtname, 'myDomain.coml');
Set( $WebDomain, 'localhost');
Set( $WebPath, '/rt');

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