- on this page
everything you need is described, except new for 3.8 option
$WebDomain, but read comments below.

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 8:55 PM, Nick Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm still having a few problems with the web interface of rt-3.8.1 on a new
> install of fedora 9 including all the latest updates
> In firefox on the localhost  RT will run as follows http://localhost or
> http://localhost/rt both take me to RT login page but I
> only see the page in text format
Sure as apache's DocumentRoot and by Location directives in your
httpd.conf point to the code. More below.

> On a remote PC if I try to connect to RT  http://myIPaddress   I get the
> default apache welcome page
> when I try http://myIPaddress/rt  I get 404 webpage could not be found
"Location /rt" and "Location /rt/" are different things.

> The Fedora server will also be running mrtg as the main page
> (http://myIPaddress)
Then DocumentRoot and other things in your config MUST point to the
root thing - mrtg.

> so I need RT to run as http://myIPaddress/rt
Set($WebPath, '/rt');
Set($WebDomain, 'myIPaddress');
As far as I can see that's all you need in RT config.

> it doesn't matter what i seem to add it just flips between text and full
> mode in both root and myIPaddress/rt
> I need it to run only as http://myIPaddress/rt
> Please any ideas
Read doc mentioned above.

> This is the config i'm running with now  /ect/httpd/conf.d/rt3.conf
> NameVirtualHost localhost
This is wrong. Use real domain name or IP.

> <VirtualHost localhost>
>     ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     ServerName localhost
>     DocumentRoot "/opt/rt3/share/html"
this is wrong, should point to mrtg or something else, whatever you
wish to be available as "http://myaddress/";.

>     AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
>     PerlRequire "/opt/rt3/bin/"
>     <Location /NoAuth/images>
>         SetHandler default
>     </Location>
>     <Location /rt>
this is wrong should be <Location /rt/>

URL to access should be "http://myIPaddress/rt/"; and not
"http://myIPaddress/rt";. You can add rewrite rule later.

>         SetHandler perl-script
>         PerlResponseHandler RT::Mason
>     </Location>
> </VirtualHost>
> and
> Set( $rtname, 'myDomain.coml');
> #Set(@Plugins,(qw(Extension::QuickDelete)));
> Set( $WebDomain, 'localhost');

This is wrong. localhost is localhost for other people too. Some
things are be broken for other people because of this. This MUST be
something resolvable for people who will be using RT.

> Set( $WebPath, '/rt');

Best regards, Ruslan.

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