Take a look at this thread, this is how I do it with RT and Exchange 2003.



On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Blake Turner <bl...@eos-3.com> wrote:

>   Helmuth,
> Is there any documentation with step-by-step instructions? I have never
> worked with RT before, and never even looked at Postfix either. It seems
> like a lot to take on, but I am willing to try it to get RT working
> properly. I have the contacts and mailboxes setup as you had shown in your
> example, but my setup is a bit more confusing right now. I have a test
> domain (that will soon be me actual domain, once I get everything
> fine-tuned) but the mail for this domain is setup for a different domain,
> again for testing.
> So I have supp...@domain2.com setup as a mailbox in Exchange. It is set to
> forward mail to my mail contact named RTSupport with the address of
> rtsupp...@rt3.domain1.com (rt3.domain1.com is the FQDN of my RT3 server).
> I set the reply address of my support queue in RT to supp...@domain2.comso 
> now I just need to figure out exactly how to setup an email address on
> the RT server for rtsupp...@rt3.domain1.com and then how to send the mail
> back to Exchange from the RT server ? is that right ? lol

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