
The way you want to do it is valid but you will need to take the incomming
message that goes to exchange and then resend it to the RT server.  If your
using the same external domain to accept emails then your going to need to
have Exchange forward the emails it receives (probably by forward rule) to
RT.  However if you publicly have 2 domains accepting email you can have
that both going to your Exchange server and then it can just route it out to
your RT system.  The question is does your RT system need to accept and
deliver emails to the outside world or only internaly.


On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Blake Turner <> wrote:

>  Helmuth,
> I think my issue is that my initial intent was to have my exchange server
> do EVERYTHING by itself unless mail was being sent to an RT handled address.
> So my mail flow would be as such: Internet à my Exchange Server à RT
> server. Where it seems as though your plan is: Internet à RT Server 
> àExchange. Is there some advantage to doing it this way. I am just way more
> comfortable administering Exchange, than I would ever be trying to work with
> Sendmail or Postfix.
> Blake Turner
> *IT Director*
> EOS-3, LLC
> P: 888.EOS3.001 (367.3001)
> F: 888.EOS3.303 (367.3303)

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