James, thank you for the reply . but I have read through that thread
already, and the way they say to setup the connector for EX03 is not the
same has how you set it up in 2007, so I cant get it to do the same thing.
In that post they mention having all mail that is sent to the support email
address will use that particular connector. Unfortunately I cannot figure
out how to do that with EX07. When I setup a second connector, all my mail
just stops. it tries to use the smarthost connector, and they just sit in
the Exchange queue saying that it cannot connect to the smarthost.


Blake Turner

IT Director


P: 888.EOS3.001 (367.3001)

F: 888.EOS3.303 (367.3303)


From: james machado [mailto:hvgeekwt...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 10:50 AM
To: Blake Turner; rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Exchange 2007 setup with RT3


Take a look at this thread, this is how I do it with RT and Exchange 2003.



On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Blake Turner <bl...@eos-3.com> wrote:


Is there any documentation with step-by-step instructions? I have never
worked with RT before, and never even looked at Postfix either. It seems
like a lot to take on, but I am willing to try it to get RT working
properly. I have the contacts and mailboxes setup as you had shown in your
example, but my setup is a bit more confusing right now. I have a test
domain (that will soon be me actual domain, once I get everything
fine-tuned) but the mail for this domain is setup for a different domain,
again for testing. 


So I have supp...@domain2.com setup as a mailbox in Exchange. It is set to
forward mail to my mail contact named RTSupport with the address of
rtsupp...@rt3.domain1.com (rt3.domain1.com is the FQDN of my RT3 server). I
set the reply address of my support queue in RT to supp...@domain2.com so
now I just need to figure out exactly how to setup an email address on the
RT server for rtsupp...@rt3.domain1.com and then how to send the mail back
to Exchange from the RT server ? is that right ? lol





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