On Mar 5, 2009, at 10:16 AM, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> On Thu  5.Mar'09 at  2:11:34 -0800, Jo Rhett wrote:
>> I think you're missing the point though.  If you don't allow  
>> Stealticket
>> then this wouldn't matter.  The only question is "if they can Steal  
>> the
>> ticket, why force them to take duplicate steps" ?
> Because Steal isn't the same thing as Take. Steal is an explicit  
> "break
> the ownership lock" command. Making every "take" an implicit "steal"
> destroys any utility ownership locking has.

I think what we're bumping into here is a total lack of documentation  
on how this locking has been theorized and is supposed to work.

I don't witness this locking behavior at all.  Based on the rights  
here, anyone can answer any ticket, any time.  That is pretty much how  
we want it.  So having part of the system trying to enforce a stricter  
policy that we've defined the rights for doesn't make sense to me.   
(not that stricter shouldn't be possible -- it should be, just not if  
we want to turn it off)

If there was some documentation on how Take and Steal are supposed to  
interact, with some guidelines on how to properly implement some  
common scenarios, I wouldn't be so confused.  If someone has this on  
the top of their brain or already written down somewhere and can punt  
it into the wiki (as the only apparent source of updated  
documentation) that would be great.


1. Yes someday I'll have time to read the code and then I will  
document it so I won't forget it.  That day isn't today, and won't be  
anytime in the next week either.

2. I'm not arguing that any else should have as loose of a policy as  
we do.  Different needs for different environments.  I'm just  
suggesting that someone else wanting it tighter shouldn't mean that we  
*must* run our organization the same way.  For anyone who wants a "one  
true way" point of view there is always OTRS ;-)

3. What does seem to be lacking is real locking -- preventing race  
conditions on "who types the fastest".  When I have some free time, I  
was going to see how hard it would be to implement "someone is typing  
on this ticket RIGHT NOW" kind of locks.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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