> ShowTicketComments right however. Once I'd disabled the ShowOutgoingEmail,
You have to logout and back in for most rights to take effect.
Also the RightsMatrix and BecomeUser (you'll need the unofficial
version in my CPAN folder) extensions can be quite handy in debugging
and maintenance of rights.

> those small issues remaining with Comments, Headers, and Download on plain
> text emails. (I can understand having the download link for non-text
> attachments, such as DOC or XLS files, but for the plain text body, it's a
> little silly, imo.)
Although I did not write it, I'd wager it's included so that:

* you can fetch large messages that the interface does not display
* you can get a copy of the message without any possible mangling of
layout or spacing by your browser
* you can access other multi-part messages (depending upon your
configuration settings) e.g; a text/html part or vCard
* in case the character set gets mangled somehow.

Rather than testing that any of these might be
applicable/second-guessing the user, the system makes the links
available no matter what.

It's all perl though, you can make a local copy of anything you don't
like and butcher it to your heart's content.

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