On 10/22/09 3:04 PM, "Jerrad Pierce" <jpie...@cambridgeenergyalliance.org>
>> The thing here is that the interface is presenting far too much information
>> for my users (both admin and self service UIs), thus why I'm trying to
> I'd recommend just getting used to it.

If I had to "just get used to it" as you put it, we'd never move over to
using RT. The corporate culture here is very non-forgiving of IT if we don't
give them exactly what they want. Thankfully, I've managed to do everything
I want with only a couple of small items left on my plate for testing with
more users here.
>> streamline it as best I can. Would you know which modules these links are
>> generated by? At least then I can hack them out in the local override
>> directory.
> Not modules, Mason file sin share/html

Yup. This worked beautifully. I've successfully hacked up local overrides to
these that do exactly what I wanted.
> Alternatively, you might create a custom CSS theme that display:none's the
> icky classes like downloadattachment. While you're still sending the bytes,
> your modifications are more future proof this way.
> Another advantage of doing it with CSS is that you can set the default CSS
> to the custom theme, but this would still allow power users the ability to
> revert to RT "as it ought to be."

The "as it aught to be" line there is highly subjective. ;) Thankfully, I've
managed to get everything short of the Priorities changes that I want done,
which looks like I have to upgrade to 3.8.4 or higher to use the extension I
need for that (PriorityAsString), plus add a CF for Severity. So far, so
good. :)

Gary L. Greene, Jr.
IT Operations
Minerva Networks, Inc.
Cell:  (650) 704-6633
Phone: (408) 240-1239


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