Can you log in as root?  If so you should be able to search for the ldap user 
you logged in as and then grant them access.  I think the page you are talking 
about is only showing privledged users.  Also, you will only be able to search 
for ldap users that have logged in, unless you also use the ldap import plugin

For the permissions problem, it sounds like you granted permissions, but didn't 
make the user a priveledge user.  If you search for your user like I mentioned 
above, when you look at their property sheet you will see a check box called 
make this user priveledged (something like that), checking that should give the 
user access.

[] On Behalf Of Val Polyakov 
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 11:46 AM
Subject: [rt-users] managing ldap users / RT-Authen-ExternalAuth question


My RT-Authen-ExternalAuth works - as in, I can login to RT using my active
directory username/password.

however, when I login using my AD account I don't see many things. I only
see open tickets / closed tickets / new ticket  on the left side there..

how can I give the ability to view all queues to authenticated users, for
instance? I tried doing this in config -> global -> group rights:
SeeQueue to Everyone
but that didn't seem to help..

also, another question:

if I go to configuration -> users I only see root there. I don't see the
LDAP account that I successfully logged in with previously. Why?

My and externalauth's are attached

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