> Val,
> You could set your RT_SiteConfigure.pm file with these settings:
> *Set($AutoCreate, ‘Privileged’=>1);*
> This would ensure any additions would all be privileged.

awesome, thanks

> As to those that are already Users, I have no idea how to make them all
> Privileged.

it's a fresh install with no users, so far I was the only one who logged
in to this thing with my AD account.. and I already made that one
priveleged manually. so looks like I'm all set for now :)

I've asked this before on the list, but didnt get any replies.. I'll try
my luck again here, if you don't mind:

My users are spread across 5 OUs:

ou=users,ou=city,dc=mydomain,dc=org  where "city" is the city that they
reside in. there's no catchall OU with all of these users.

how can I set up RT-Authen-ExternalAuth to look in all 5 OUs for the user?

I have this now:
'base'                  =>  'ou=Users,ou=Yonkers,dc=mydomain,dc=org',

Feel like I'm overlooking something simple.

perhaps I need to set up 5 ldap sections inside
(My_LDAP, My_LDAP1, MY_LDAP2, etc), with them being absolutely identical
aside for the city OU?

Not sure

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