Hello All,

I am running RT 4.0.10 on CentOS 6.3.

I was trying to create a user defined condition from the create scrip ui based 
on a code snippit I found here 

On Correspond to Unowned Ticket

return 0 unless $self->TransactionObj->Type eq "Correspond";
return 0 unless $self->TicketObj->Owner == $RT::Nobody->id;
return 1;

I was wondering if I can add an or in the first statement to make it apply to 
correspond or comment? Like this:

return 0 unless $self->TransactionObj->Type eq "Correspond" or "Comment";
return 0 unless $self->TicketObj->Owner == $RT::Nobody->id;
return 1;

Essentially the entire helpdesk has grown tired of being admin CC's on all 
queues but we want a way to be able to see correspondence or comments on 
unowned tickets. I'd prefer not to create two separate scrips. I didn't want to 
create the scrips unless I was sure instead of just creating them to see if it 
would work.

Any help is much appreciated...


James Billington
Mantech International

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