The difference between Alabama and California is that, as you stated, CA has
the 5th largest economy in the WORLD.  Alabama in comparison is the 47th
poorest state, only ahead of Arkansas, Mississippi and West Virginia.

Things have slowly degraded in the past few decades.  I too was educated in
Alabama, but until I attended college I was in private school.  There is a
definite difference between public and private education in Alabama.

It IS broke and something needs to change.  I have nieces and nephews that
are in the Alabama public school system.  I shudder to think about what
future lies ahead for them.

Of course, jmo..

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Todd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 9:37 PM
Subject: [RollTideFan] {ain't} Image ain't everything

> Deere State of Alabama Haters:
> So you're ashamed of the image your state portrays? You
> say our image hurts the state economy? (which by the
> way is an absolute crock of shit...) Just look at how
> people are making fun of the state of California. The
> WORLD I SAID! THE WORLD! Gosh, I can just see the whole
> state of California going bankrupt overnight if this
> doesn't stop! Let us all pray for the state of Florida,
> also. Economic ruin is surely on the horizon!
> -------------------------------
> "Yesterday, Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he would
> run for governor of
> California, which was good news for Florida residents.
> They now live in the
> second flakiest state in the country." - Conan O'Brien
> "The big political news, Arnold Schwarzenegger
> announced he's running for
> governor of California and already people are chanting,
> 'Four more vowels.
> Four more vowels.'" - Craig Kilborn
> "They're saying Arnold will get 95% of the vote. At
> least according to his
> brother, Jeb Schwarzenegger." - Craig Kilborn
> "Here's how bad California looks to the rest of the
> country: people in
> Florida are laughing at us." - Jay Leno
> "If Arnold is elected, you know who I'd feel sorry for?
> The people on death
> row. Imagine, you're about to be executed, the governor
> calls, and instead
> of your reprieve you hear, 'Hasta la vista, baby.'" -
> Jay Leno
> "Yesterday Jerry Springer bowed out of the Ohio Senate
> race. He said, 'If I
> can't run the most embarrassing campaign in America,
> then I'm out of
> here.'" - Craig Kilborn
> "It's official, Arnold said that he will enter the race
> for governor. At
> least that's what everybody thinks he said." - David
> Letterman
> "Critics have noted Schwarzenegger's only previous
> government experience was
> serving under President Bush Senior as Chairman of the
> Council of Physical
> Fitness, a largely symbolic office where
> Schwarzenegger's only
> responsibility was doing hundreds of jumping jacks he
> was going to do
> anyway." - Jon Stewart
> "Arnold Schwarzenegger's got a really stiff opponent:
> The English
> language." - Craig Kilborn
> "Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he's running for
> governor. He's got a great
> slogan: 'Vote for me or I'll make Kindergarten Cop
> II.'" - Craig Kilborn
> "I went to see the Terminator movie the other night.
> Every time Arnold
> Schwarzenegger came on the screen this guy in front of
> me started booing. I
> finally said, 'Governor Davis, shut up and sit
> down!'" - Jay Leno
> "Gray Davis got some good news this week: the Clintons
> are in California
> campaigning. Actually, Hillary is here campaigning for
> Gray Davis. Bill is
> here for Larry Flynt." - Jay Leno
> "Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flint is also running
> for governor. I
> don't know, on election day, do you really want
> supporters of Larry Flint
> going into a curtained booth by themselves?" - Jay Leno
> "You know who should run for governor of California?
> Mike Tyson. He's built
> like Schwarzenegger, he spends like Davis, and he
> sounds like Barbara
> Boxer." - Jay Leno
> -------------------------------------------------
> ----- Original Message -----
> > Bunch of homos......join your priest buddy in
> prision.
> >
> > ScR
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