I meant to say that Alabama is the 4th poorest state, not 47th.

----- Original Message -----
To: "RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List"
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] {ain't} Image ain't everything

> Jeff:
> The difference between Alabama and California is that, as you stated, CA
> the 5th largest economy in the WORLD.  Alabama in comparison is the 47th
> poorest state, only ahead of Arkansas, Mississippi and West Virginia.
> http://www.neweconomyindex.org/states/2002/overall_rank.html
> Things have slowly degraded in the past few decades.  I too was educated
> Alabama, but until I attended college I was in private school.  There is a
> definite difference between public and private education in Alabama.
> It IS broke and something needs to change.  I have nieces and nephews that
> are in the Alabama public school system.  I shudder to think about what
> future lies ahead for them.
> Of course, jmo..
> Sonja
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jeff Todd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 9:37 PM
> Subject: [RollTideFan] {ain't} Image ain't everything
> > Deere State of Alabama Haters:
> >
> > So you're ashamed of the image your state portrays? You
> > say our image hurts the state economy? (which by the
> > way is an absolute crock of shit...) Just look at how
> > people are making fun of the state of California. The
> > WORLD I SAID! THE WORLD! Gosh, I can just see the whole
> > state of California going bankrupt overnight if this
> > doesn't stop! Let us all pray for the state of Florida,
> > also. Economic ruin is surely on the horizon!
> >
> > -------------------------------
> >
> > "Yesterday, Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he would
> > run for governor of
> > California, which was good news for Florida residents.
> > They now live in the
> > second flakiest state in the country." - Conan O'Brien
> >
> > "The big political news, Arnold Schwarzenegger
> > announced he's running for
> > governor of California and already people are chanting,
> > 'Four more vowels.
> > Four more vowels.'" - Craig Kilborn
> >
> > "They're saying Arnold will get 95% of the vote. At
> > least according to his
> > brother, Jeb Schwarzenegger." - Craig Kilborn
> >
> > "Here's how bad California looks to the rest of the
> > country: people in
> > Florida are laughing at us." - Jay Leno
> >
> > "If Arnold is elected, you know who I'd feel sorry for?
> > The people on death
> > row. Imagine, you're about to be executed, the governor
> > calls, and instead
> > of your reprieve you hear, 'Hasta la vista, baby.'" -
> > Jay Leno
> >
> > "Yesterday Jerry Springer bowed out of the Ohio Senate
> > race. He said, 'If I
> > can't run the most embarrassing campaign in America,
> > then I'm out of
> > here.'" - Craig Kilborn
> >
> > "It's official, Arnold said that he will enter the race
> > for governor. At
> > least that's what everybody thinks he said." - David
> > Letterman
> >
> > "Critics have noted Schwarzenegger's only previous
> > government experience was
> > serving under President Bush Senior as Chairman of the
> > Council of Physical
> > Fitness, a largely symbolic office where
> > Schwarzenegger's only
> > responsibility was doing hundreds of jumping jacks he
> > was going to do
> > anyway." - Jon Stewart
> >
> > "Arnold Schwarzenegger's got a really stiff opponent:
> > The English
> > language." - Craig Kilborn
> >
> > "Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he's running for
> > governor. He's got a great
> > slogan: 'Vote for me or I'll make Kindergarten Cop
> > II.'" - Craig Kilborn
> >
> > "I went to see the Terminator movie the other night.
> > Every time Arnold
> > Schwarzenegger came on the screen this guy in front of
> > me started booing. I
> > finally said, 'Governor Davis, shut up and sit
> > down!'" - Jay Leno
> >
> > "Gray Davis got some good news this week: the Clintons
> > are in California
> > campaigning. Actually, Hillary is here campaigning for
> > Gray Davis. Bill is
> > here for Larry Flynt." - Jay Leno
> >
> > "Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flint is also running
> > for governor. I
> > don't know, on election day, do you really want
> > supporters of Larry Flint
> > going into a curtained booth by themselves?" - Jay Leno
> >
> > "You know who should run for governor of California?
> > Mike Tyson. He's built
> > like Schwarzenegger, he spends like Davis, and he
> > sounds like Barbara
> > Boxer." - Jay Leno
> >
> >
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------
> > ----- Original Message -----
> >
> > > Bunch of homos......join your priest buddy in
> > prision.
> > >
> > > ScR
> >
> >
> > ______________________________________________________
> > RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
> >
> > "Welcome to RollTideFan! Wear a cup!"
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