What hardware are you running this on and with what rtl version?  I'll try
to reproduce the problem with some details.

} I posted this same problem a couple days ago, and would like to thank
} those of you who helped out, but my glitch still exists. Every now and
} again, my system hangs for ~1ms. Running a periodic thread of any period,
} the glitch is always the same duration: 1.1 to 1.3 ms on one machine or
} .5 to .6 ms on another. I think it's safe to say that the glitch is
} prohibiting me from doing hard realtime processing.
} The code below is very short and simple. It compiles with the standard
} options available as variables in rtl.mk, and the module depends on
} rtl_sched and rtl_time. All you have to do is compile, insert, wait(for me
} 30 seconds is enough), and dmesg.
} Typical dmesg output
} > Delay of     192ns near       0ms
} > Delay of     288ns near      95ms
} > Delay of     352ns near    1609ms
} > Delay of     384ns near    1648ms
} > Delay of     448ns near   23322ms
} > Delay of 1141792ns near  937517ms
} > Delay of 1224000ns near 1530446ms
} You see the two vastly different scales. The first 5 maximum delays are
} fractions of a microsecond, no problem. The later 2 delays are >100
} periods of the periodic task!
} Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
} Thanks in advance - Chuck
} // Stipped down DAQ code - Chuck
} // ***** System headers ***** //
} #include <rtl.h>
} #include <rtl_sync.h>
} #include <time.h>
} #include <pthread.h>
} // ***** System Definitions ***** //
} #define FREQUENCY 100000                    // Thread frequency [=] Hz
} // ***** Function Declarations ***** //
} void *daq_code(void*);                      // DAQ Periodic function
} // ***** Global Variables ***** //
} pthread_t daq_thread;                       // main rtlinux thread
} // Simple thread measures clock 
} void *daq_code(void *param)
} {
}    rtl_irqstate_t irqstate;
}    hrtime_t zero_time,  tick_time, tock_time;
}    long     delay_time, delay,     max_delay=0;
}    zero_time = clock_gethrtime(CLOCK_REALTIME);  // module insert time
}    while (1)      // periodic task, must loop
}      {
}        // Begin DANGER
}        rtl_no_interrupts(irqstate);           // disable all interrupts
}        tick_time = clock_gethrtime(CLOCK_REALTIME);   //check time
}        tock_time = clock_gethrtime(CLOCK_REALTIME);   //check time
}        delay     = (long)(tock_time - tick_time);     //find difference
}        rtl_restore_interrupts(irqstate);      // reenable interrupts
}        // End DANGER
}        if (delay > max_delay)         //is this the biggest delay yet?
}       {
}         // reset delay max
}         max_delay  = delay;           //record new maximum delay
}         // reset time of max, >>20 is ~equal to /1e6
}         delay_time = (long)((tock_time - zero_time)>>20);
}         printk( "Delay of %7ldns near %7ldms\n", max_delay, delay_time);
}       }
}        pthread_wait_np( );            //wait for next period
}      }    
} }
} // ***** Module Standard Functions ***** ///
} int init_module(void)
} {
}    pthread_attr_t attr;
}    struct sched_param sched_param;
}    hrtime_t period, soon;
}    // initialize pthread attributes
}    if( pthread_attr_init(&attr) ) 
}      printk( "Cannot initialize pthread attributes\n" );
}    // modify pthread priority
}    sched_param.sched_priority = 1;
}    if ( pthread_attr_setschedparam (&attr, &sched_param) )
}      printk( "Cannot set pthread priority: 0\n" );
}    // initialize the main thread
}    if( pthread_create (&daq_thread, &attr, daq_code,(void *)1) )
}      printk( "Cannot create pthread\n" );
}    // make the thread run off the CPU clock
}    soon   = clock_gethrtime(CLOCK_REALTIME) + (100 * period);
}    if( pthread_make_periodic_np (daq_thread, soon, period) )
}      printk( "Cannot make pthread periodic\n" );
}    return 0;
} }
} void cleanup_module(void)
} {
}    // destroy periodic thread
}    if( pthread_delete_np(daq_thread) )
}      printk( "Cannot destroy phread\n" );
} }
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