Michael Kahle wrote:
> Mark Reginald James wrote:
>> Michael Kahle wrote:
>>> Super!  Thanks so much.  It worked perfectly.  The only thing I changed 
>>> from your example was to handle the update as a transaction.  Updating 
>>> @registration and @customer with the ".attributes" method did the trick 
>>> perfectly.  I am off to experiment with the "validates_associated 
>>> :customer".
>> Could you explain a little more what you changed and why.

Ooo.  Another thought.  I noticed that you are doing a transaction 
without using the "rescue" catch.  If something else goes wrong, besides 
validation, you will never know what happened!  :)

>      if @snowplow_registration.valid? && customer_valid
>        SnowplowRegistration.transaction do
>          @snowplow_registration.save!
>          @customer.save!
>          flash[:notice] = 'Snow Plow Registration was updated.'
>          redirect_to(@snowplow_registration)
>        end
>      else
>        render :action => :edit
>      end

So in that case, I prefer a sprinkle of your code with mine.  Well, to 
be honest I probably lifted this off of one of the pages in my Agile Web 
Development with Rails book.  So I won't take any credit for this.  I 
wish I could!  Cheers.
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