On Jan 29, 2013, at 1:58 PM, Ryo Saeba wrote:

> I tried Walters suggestion and put my display-table in a partial; this 
> is what the method looked like
> def index
>  if(params[:q])
>     @games = Game.search(params[:search])
>  else
>    render :partial => 'search_results'
>  end
> end
> But it would cause me a NoMethod Error... it says that the "each" 
> function was not defined, but why?

I think you have it backwards. If there's no query, there's nothing to put in 
the partial, but the partial is needed in the case that you DO have a search 
query. Make a second partial that only has "No search yet" in it. Put that in 
the else side. In the if side, put this:

render :partial => 'search_results', :locals => @games

Inside your partial, change any instance of @games to games (remove the @).

There's an even easier way to do this, and that's by making a single row of 
your table as a partial, and saving it with the name _game.html.erb. Then in 
your index page, add this:

<%= render @games %>

If you haven't done so yet, I really recommend a thorough read of the Rails 
Guide on Views and Rendering. http://guides.rubyonrails.org


> Rolando Garros suggestion is simply not changing anything, maybe I'm not 
> implementing it correctly...
> -- 
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