I agree 100 percent with these posts.  Unfortunately I am currently
using windoze + e-text editor and command line for most work and it
has been fine for basic learning etc. but it is clearly time to move
up and on because of ruby/rails.  So either way I will be dealing with
some new ground either unbuntu on a PC (cheaper) or a mac.  I have
taken some classes lately and been trying to collaborate with other
rails guys and mac seems to be across the board but that could just be
who I have sat with.  I am ok with a mac or unbuntu on a PC but wanted
to get a sense of what most professional environments would be using
in the rails community too.  I would hate to be ultra comfortable with
one and find out that my first Rails job tends to use something else
entirely particularly if it was easy to vet out up front.  I am sure
either is fine, its what you prefer, I was just trying to take the
temperature to see if 90 percent said mac or maybe in the real world
75 percent were actually using a pc with some unix distro

On Feb 9, 9:48 am, MaD <mayer.domi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> use whatever you are most comfortable with. mac/textmate is a good
> combo. linux/kate is IMHO good, too. even windows might be alright for
> some people. there are people outthere that prefer to use an IDE.
> there are many around and some of them run on most OS.
> personally, i like linux better than mac, because i've been using it
> for my desktop-pc at home for a very long time. i got used to its look
> and feel and love the console.
> mac is alright, too. textmate is a great editor with tons of plugins.
> once you get accustomed to a mac, it's actually really nice to work
> with.
> the main thing is: you should feel good using whatever tools or
> operating systems. as i already said in another (very similar thread):
> i don't think it's a very good idea to try to learn how to use a new
> operating system whilst trying to master a new language/framework. so
> if you are a beginner, my advance would be: don't change whatever you
> are running (maybe later).
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