thanks everyone- that was helpful

On Feb 9, 7:31 pm, blasterpal <> wrote:
> AgileHack,
> I work in an in-house Rails shop for a fairly large site (we are a
> team of about 7 developers, not including operations and QA).  We use
> OSX on PowerMacs and Mac Minis with Textmate and git. Some are
> starting to poke around with MacVim and others swear by Netbeans.
> Secondly, everyone uses OSX for dev personally except for one guy who
> uses Debian.
> Largely, everyone chooses OSX and Macs, its not a forced decision. All
> the vendors who come in to staff augment or work on other projects
> from respectable Ruby/Rails shops always show up with Macbooks.
> For what it's worth, I don't use a MacBook pro, never have. I think
> they are too much $$ for RoR dev. I use a bottom of the line with
> extra RAM.
> H
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