Greg Donald a écrit, le 04/04/2009 12:03 AM :
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Mark Turner <> wrote:
>> Rails is a mature framework
> No, it's not.
> How can you say something like that after everything that's changed
> from 2.2 -> 2.3 ?  Or knowing what's likely to change with 3.0 when
> more of Merb gets merged in?

Nobody forces anybody to upgrade. I've Rails 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3
applications running and only upgraded them when it made sense to do so
(subjective estimate of long term cost of waiting for another release
before upgrading > cost of upgrading now).
Rails 2.1 is mature enough to me right now, I only used 2.2 and 2.3
because they'll probably be supported longer.

> When I read things like "middleware layers being completely rewritten"
> it leads me to question why they were written so incorrectly to start
> with that they needed to be completely rewritten.  When I read things
> like "memory sessions have been removed" I gotta wonder who thought
> they were a good idea to start with?  Newsflash: some of use were
> using those.  (Yes I'm aware of how to get them back using the plugin,
> that's not the point.)  If you're gonna put something in there, have a
> good reason for putting it in there, have a reason so good that you
> won't later find an opposing reason strong enough to remove it.

Shit happens :-) Designing an application is hard enough, designing a
framework to support a variety of applications is harder.

> The Rails API and docs change constantly and are often out of sync.
> Last month for example,

Why use it ? For what I know this has always been the edge
documentation. When I want documentation for my Rails versions I use

>  was showing new 2.3
> features before 2.3 was even released.  How'd you like to be a new guy
> scratching his head over grouped_options_for_select being in the docs
> but not in the framework?  I could much more easily accept the reverse
> case.
> And what about the gem servers that are constantly up and down?  How
> can newcomers have any faith in Rail's maturity when you can't even
> install it sometimes?

Nothing to do with the framework itself. Only a problem if you don't
have access to packaged versions of these gems (I'm not familiar with
these problems : Gentoo mirrors work well enough).

> And what about the book situation?  Rails is changing so much, so fast
> that a Rails book you buy today will be useless 6 months from now.

Only if you don't install the Rails version the book was written for
(why would you install another as a beginner ?). Anyway I'm not the best
person to answer that: I learn from blog posts, documentation and source
code, not books anymore.
>   I
> have 8 and 10 year old Perl books that I still use to this very day.

Hum, I'm not doing a MVC web app in Perl even with Catalyst. Note that
you are comparing apple with oranges, the Pickaxe is very usable right
now. These books will be thrown away when people want to learn Perl6,
doest it make Perl5 immature? I'd say Perl5 is not the brightest
language around, but it *is* mature.

> I love working in Rails, it's the fastest way I know of to build a
> website, but mature is the last thing I'd ever say about it.  I have
> absolutely no faith in the API remaining the same from even a .1 to a
> .2 release, much less 2.x  to 3.0.

I agree, but:
- why upgrade if you don't need to ?
- if you need to, it's not that hard to upgrade once you are coding
Rails apps for your living (why would you upgrade if you don't ?):
deprecated methods should be right in front of your eyes when you run
your tests/specs.


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