Yeah look at Photoshop - their Interface changes all the time. That's  
part of it. I like merb's method of keeping versioned documentation.  
That's nice.

Learn rails:

On 04/04/2009, at 9:40 AM, Lionel Bouton < 
 > wrote:

> Greg Donald a écrit, le 04/04/2009 12:03 AM :
>> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Mark Turner <> wrote:
>>> Rails is a mature framework
>> No, it's not.
>> How can you say something like that after everything that's changed
>> from 2.2 -> 2.3 ?  Or knowing what's likely to change with 3.0 when
>> more of Merb gets merged in?
> Nobody forces anybody to upgrade. I've Rails 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3
> applications running and only upgraded them when it made sense to do  
> so
> (subjective estimate of long term cost of waiting for another release
> before upgrading > cost of upgrading now).
> Rails 2.1 is mature enough to me right now, I only used 2.2 and 2.3
> because they'll probably be supported longer.
>> When I read things like "middleware layers being completely  
>> rewritten"
>> it leads me to question why they were written so incorrectly to start
>> with that they needed to be completely rewritten.  When I read things
>> like "memory sessions have been removed" I gotta wonder who thought
>> they were a good idea to start with?  Newsflash: some of use were
>> using those.  (Yes I'm aware of how to get them back using the  
>> plugin,
>> that's not the point.)  If you're gonna put something in there,  
>> have a
>> good reason for putting it in there, have a reason so good that you
>> won't later find an opposing reason strong enough to remove it.
> Shit happens :-) Designing an application is hard enough, designing a
> framework to support a variety of applications is harder.
>> The Rails API and docs change constantly and are often out of sync.
>> Last month for example,
> Why use it ? For what I know this has always been the edge
> documentation. When I want documentation for my Rails versions I use
> http://localhost:8808.
>> was showing new 2.3
>> features before 2.3 was even released.  How'd you like to be a new  
>> guy
>> scratching his head over grouped_options_for_select being in the docs
>> but not in the framework?  I could much more easily accept the  
>> reverse
>> case.
>> And what about the gem servers that are constantly up and down?  How
>> can newcomers have any faith in Rail's maturity when you can't even
>> install it sometimes?
> Nothing to do with the framework itself. Only a problem if you don't
> have access to packaged versions of these gems (I'm not familiar with
> these problems : Gentoo mirrors work well enough).
>> And what about the book situation? Rails is changing so much, so fast
>> that a Rails book you buy today will be useless 6 months from now.
> Only if you don't install the Rails version the book was written for
> (why would you install another as a beginner ?). Anyway I'm not the  
> best
> person to answer that: I learn from blog posts, documentation and  
> source
> code, not books anymore.
>>  I
>> have 8 and 10 year old Perl books that I still use to this very day.
> Hum, I'm not doing a MVC web app in Perl even with Catalyst. Note that
> you are comparing apple with oranges, the Pickaxe is very usable right
> now. These books will be thrown away when people want to learn Perl6,
> doest it make Perl5 immature? I'd say Perl5 is not the brightest
> language around, but it *is* mature.
>> I love working in Rails, it's the fastest way I know of to build a
>> website, but mature is the last thing I'd ever say about it.  I have
>> absolutely no faith in the API remaining the same from even a .1 to a
>> .2 release, much less 2.x  to 3.0.
> I agree, but:
> - why upgrade if you don't need to ?
> - if you need to, it's not that hard to upgrade once you are coding
> Rails apps for your living (why would you upgrade if you don't ?):
> deprecated methods should be right in front of your eyes when you run
> your tests/specs.
> Lionel
> >

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