The issue is that rails.vim starts the server with the --daemon
option, so it just sits there in the background. :Rserver! will try to
kill it first, and restart it from vim, but I'd just use the terminal
for controlling your server during development.

On May 3, 11:59 am, 7stud -- <> wrote:
> Harold wrote:
> > I don't have a mac, but this is pure unix and should be applicable to
> > you as well.
> > Get the PID of the server process and kill it manually:
> > $ ps aux |grep ruby
> > hgimenez 30736 24.8  1.6  48772 33252 pts/0    Sl+  11:22   0:03 ruby
> > script/server
> > hgimenez 30802  0.0  0.0   4204   704 pts/1    S+   11:22   0:00 grep
> > ruby
> > $
> > In my case, you want to kill process 30736. Same thing could be
> > achieved with pgrep:
> > $ pgrep ruby
> > 30736
> > $
> > But if you have many ruby processes going on, you won't know which one
> > to kill.
> > Now that you have the process ID, kill it:
> > $ kill 30736
> > $
> > The server should be gone, and you should be able to start the server
> > again on the same port:
> > $ ps auxwww |grep ruby
> > $ script/server [...]
> > Hope that helps,
> > -Harold
> Yes, I'm aware that you can do that --although I don't have enough unix
> experience to kill processes I'm not sure about.
> I was hoping that there was a simple command in rails.vim that I could
> use.  I pored over the rails.vim help, but I can't find anything.  I'm
> certainly not going to run the server in rails.vim ever gain unless I
> can find an easy way to kill it after I've started it.
> --
> Posted via
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