Robert Walker wrote:
> SpringFlowers AutumnMoon wrote:
>> is it true that Rails depend on cookies?  It seems that flash is a part
>> of session, and session uses cookies... so when i disable cookie in
>> Firefox, what was working became
>> ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken
>> so is it true that for a RoR app to work, cookies are mandatory?
> FYI: Cookies are required for practically every web based application on 
> the internet. This is not at all unique to Rails. There are only a 
> limited number of ways to maintain session state. 1. Using cookies (my 
> guess is > 80% of sites use this method), 2. Putting a session id in the 
> URL (ugly, but works). 3. Hidden fields in forms to pass state from one 
> request to another (very ugly, but requires no client-side storage of 
> state). 4. HTML 5 local session storage (not practical since it'll take 
> Microsoft years to support HTML 5. They can barely do HTML 4).
> I believe option 4 is the way forward since it provides all the benefits 
> of cookies, and practically none of their shortcomings. Just don't 
> expect that to be practical anytime soon. Note: Safari 4 public beta has 
> complete support for HTML 5 local storage (maybe others too). Let's just 
> hope the others eventually catch up.

I assume that users will have the option to disable HTML 5 browser-local 
storage.  I also assume that people who turn off cookies will most 
likely disable local storage.  In that event, I'm not sure how this 
solves the problem, and we're at square one again.

Just a thought.


Darrik Mazey
DarmaSoft, LLC.
1627 Marigold Avenue
Akron, Ohio 44301-2627
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    fax: 330.983.9942
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