My best guess and a heavy dose of speculation for rails 3 rc1
1. Bundler needs to go to rc1 - maybe in a few days with no bugs -
maybe in a couple weeks with lots of bugs.
That may be all - but.....if that isn't the last issue here are next
couple of issues that seem important.
2. ActiveRecord is about half as fast as it was in rails 2.3.5 - it
won't remain that way. There is a lot of stuff and junk that has to be
cleared out of it - it will probably be a couple of weeks before jose
valim and possibly wycats turn their attention to a major clean up of
active record to get old stuff out of the way.
3. Memory leaks......seems to me that you wouldn't wan't to deploy a
high traffic site with beta4 and ruby 1.9.2 rc..x... until the memory
issues are taken care of. That might be a ruby 1.9.2 might
be a rails issue, that is beyond me at the moment.

If I were a betting man, and I'm not, I'd bet we will see rails 3 rc1
within two weeks, and we may see it in the next 4 or 5 days (today
being July 25, 2010)

This is a (somewhat) educated guess after following the "f*cking bug
tracker" (is there just a "bug tracker"?) and reading through what to
me would be the most important issues. (And if a bug is on the "bug
tracker" how does it get bumped up to the "f"cking bug tracer"??)

My best guess at the silence about what is going on? I dunno.... Seems
that one blog post or twitter post confirming the above would be all
that it would take now and all that it would have taken a month ago
just to let people who are interested what is going on. Part of the
big push for rails 3 is to expand not only what experts can do with
the system, but what beginners and intermediates can do, and to expand
the total base of users. This has been the stated goal of the core
team over and over. Not communicating is not the way you expand the
total base of users. And while whining about "where is it?" doesn't
help, how exaclty does it hurt? To paraphrase New Jersey's
governor...."you must be some of the thinnest skinned people I've ever

If you are on the core team, and you don't get why people are excited
and confused and a little bit irritated at the lack of
communication....let me restate that, I don't know how you could not
understand after most of you have given presentation after
presentation about what is coming.

But this is an opportunity. You build a community by
communicating.......see that the root of both words is the same? You
build irritation by not communicating.

And those of you who want the noobs to take a ticket and fix it and
send the long have you been working in rails...a couple
years?? As a member of the ruby and rails community you can't give
others a couple of years to catch up - and in some cases - surpass
your ruby and rails skill?

And rails's no accident that it took this long to re-
factor it. Rails 3 really is a lot of merb, isn't it? And only because
it was rebuilt with lots of new outside blood will it be as good as
it's going to be. All the more to look to the future of what will
rails 3 would have been without merb.....and what will rails 4 or 5 be
without @whineynoobgenius4 sticking around?

So listen up.....@dhh, @wycats, @josevalim, @spastorino etc. You have
a giant opportunity to sooth the massive amount of people who have
become interested, well, largely by your own efforts to attract their
interest. Use that opportunity to communicate and set a foundation for
some of the outside blood that is coming in. For every noob that you
find irritating and will disappear in a couple of months because they
can't pay their dues, there are 5 others that are irritated and will
pay their dues and may be on the rails 4 core team, if you are will to
communicate. Just a blog post or twitter post a day from one of you
will more than suffice. I've noticed a couple of those things in the
last day or two and it really helps.

And @jeremy/@bitsweet - good for you for speaking your mind, but the
FU stuff has a way of coming back to haunt you in things like client
negotiations. That post will be here for eons....and you have no idea
of all of the people who have seen it and taken note. If I had done
that it would keep me up at night.

So yes....everybody remain calm. Our long community nightmare is
almost over. A few days - couple of weeks at the outside, and people
can finish their gems and plugins, and books, and ide's and projects,
and hosting platforms and.....well, you get the idea...

There I've said it. I'll go back to the shadows now....

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