Hassan Schroeder wrote in post #964802:
> On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 8:35 AM, Steve Mills <li...@ruby-forum.com>
> wrote:
>> A bit more of the code - to clarify the origin...
> utterly irrrelevant.
>> :database => 'db/development.mysql2')
> The line above is *wrong* -- look at your config/database.yml entries
> and compare. That is simply not a valid MySQL entry.
> --
> Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
> twitter: @hassan

Hi Hassan,

The relevance was to show the full title and version number of the book 
from which this example code is taken, especially since I know many 
others are also reading and following that book and are having similar 
problems. Since many consider it the definitive work on Ruby on Rails 
then I think it's worth mentioning it. I agree the actual additional 
code shown beyond the comments in the header adds nothing to the problem 
analysis. :)

I know that line is wrong - Rails tells me that - what I don't know is 
how to fix it, or even why the store.rb file exists at all in the app 

However I downloaded this code from the web site associated with the 
book and that's why it's in there. The original code from the book uses 
sqlite but I prefer mysql and so changed it to use mysql.

Following the book, and creating my own project, I don't encounter this 
problem. But I do encounter a serious problem on "test functionals" 
where the db tables are created, seeded, and then promptly dropped prior 
to the first test running so all the tests fail. The applicaiton itself 
works fine.

So as one particular way of investigating this I decided to download the 
code from the book, reconfigure it for mysql, and see if the testing 
problem still exists. However I can't get beyond the db:migrate because 
of this problem being explored here.

Unfortunately, although I've spent many hours on RoR on both Windows 7 
and Ubuntu, the Rails aspects of it are IMHO poorly documented. Ruby 
language - yes good documentaiton and I understand that with no problem. 
But Rails is unusual in that you can place pieces of an Object in many 
places and they all come together at runtime, but if that fails to 
integrate properly then you're pretty much reliant on helpful guys like 
yourself online pointing you in the right direction.

I am working my way through...

(a) Agile Web Development with Rails Ed.4
(b) Rails Recipes
(c) RailsSpace: Building a Social Networking Website with Ruby on Rails
(d) Beginning Ruby on Rails E-Commerce

building all of the examples. But in each case I'm encountering problems 
and issues.

So if I can solve why "test functionals" keeps dropping the tables 
before running the tests then that would be the biggest help.

I realise that test mode is supposed to start with an empty database so 
that the tests always run the same. It then creates the tables, then it 
seeds them, then for some reason it drops the tables and runs the first 
test which failes because the tables don't exist.

I may be wrong here but I think it used to work before the seeds were 
written. That it was after the book covered seeds and the seeds file was 
created that this testing problem occured.

It might also have something to do with using mysql with myisam files 
because the transaction capability is different according to the Rails 
books (although I've not noticed that in the past).

Kind Regards

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