Steve Mills wrote in post #964833:
> Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote in post #964825:
>> Your development environment is no concern of your customers.  What do
>> you mean by "that's what my customers want"?  Why do you think you need
>> to work on Windows?  Remember, you're developing *server-side*
>> applications here that have nothing to do with the client OS.
> That's true for just this one aspect of development. I also use
> OutSystems which runs on Windows, .NET which requires Windows, Prolog
> which runs best on Windows, and build free-standing apps that target
> Windows,

Well, Rails runs best on a *nix system.  I highly recommend at least a 

> I build Fusion:Gen apps where the case tools run on Windows,
> and Android apps where the tools that I use are Windows based.

Uh...WTF?  Android development is not platform-specific.

Besides, the less you use Windows, the better.  If your tools are tying 
you to Windows, you really need better tools.

> But I guess this is wandering off the point of this thread :)

Slightly.  But you seem to be under a misapprehension as to how much you 
*need* to use Windows.

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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