The 10/02/11, Megas Megas wrote:

> This isn't well composed diagram but fine for me. On this picture you
> can see where action is started and what's the reaction on action. The
> action edit initiates in views/episodes/show.html.erb, comes to
> controller's action edit, after that shows the edit form, then go to
> update action and finally go back to show.html.erb. From this picture
> you can see that a lot of actions initiate in show.html.erb that belongs
> to episode controller and makes harder to understand how works the
> comments controller. Now you can easy find place where is action comes.
> Here is my questions:
> Do you think this idea is useful for you, can make your developer's life
> easier ?

This wouldn't be useless, at least. Providing graphic view of code
sources is something already existing for some languages. These tools
help for understanding, simplifying and designing software.

> Do you know some tool that can make such kind of pictures automatically
> ?

No, I couldn't find any such tool for ruby.

If I had to start to write one, I would possibly start off of (GPL) which does the
opposite thing (write code from a dia diagram).

Nicolas Sebrecht

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