Michael Pavling wrote in post #980954:
> (Partial, I assume).
> Yes, a little searching... but the context-sensitive control-clicking
> in my IDE lets me follow through very quickly, and I generally try to
> name stuff to be simple to find again (the self-documenting approach)
Yes, you're right, partial
In my IDE (RubyMine) some partial can't be reached by clicking, i 
assumed that if the good IDE can't do this job so another IDE's do worse 
job. I think that self-documented approach helps read the code locally, 
but to build the mind-image of the project is reading whole code many 
times. That's why the diagram tools were built, to help to create image 
of the project in mind. But all visual tools which I used are based on 
structure approach, no actions view. I think the action is very similar 
to goal, when I do the action it means I want to do something 
specifically: add new comment, create new account and etc. If I can see 
which controller, model, view are using now and where it comes from, 
while the current action is operating, then it helps me to understand 
the project.

> I don't know what you mean for sure. What "place"? Do you mean
> "controller action"? If so, I look at the URL... and I can open any
> file by name with a couple of key-presses.
The place where is user click the action. In my example the comment 
views composed in another view, so this is not easy to find out what's 
going on.

> That's great to hear. I hope it works well for you. I'm all for people
> working in whatever way is best for them.
> For me; it's not so much help to have the controller/view drawing.
> But if the time it takes to build is off-sets in time you save from
> your previous searching, then it's a win.
> But I would say that if others can find it quicker and easier while
> not using the drawing, then maybe the problem you're fixing with the
> diagram isn't the biggest win you could achieve?
Actually I tried to describe one thing which have two sides and you 
separated it in two things. And you might be right, if Im not so good at 
Rails technology, it doesn't mean that others have the same problems. I 
think these difficulties appear only when we're reading the new someone 
else's project, not the our own project.

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