On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 17:24, Grary Stimon <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:

>    request = 4_000_000
>    post :loan, {:loan_request=>request, :format => :json}
> ...is not formulating the request as JSON?

Correct.  This is exactly why you're getting:

> (rdb:1) p request.body.read
> "loan=4000000"

I'm wondering though what happens to the "_request" part.  Did you
maybe transcribe by hand and drop it?  I am not personally familiar
with generating JSON from Ruby, but it seems to me that the hash above
should generate something like "{ loan_request: 4000000 }".  You could
try making *that* string the value of loan_request.

Or maybe something's getting confused with the multiple usage of the
term "request"?  Try renaming loan_request to loan_amount and see what


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