On Nov 4, 6:10 pm, Grary Stimon <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm unable to properly test GET calls for my JSON API in Rails 3.1,
> using ActionController::TestCase.
> get :loan, ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(minimum_valid_json_params),
> :format => :json
> ...where minimum_valid_json_params has the form...
> {:one_thing=>"something", :another_thing=>23, ... }
> ...gives me the following unsatisfying error in the test:
> NoMethodError: undefined method `symbolize_keys' for #<String:0x6304db>
> So, my first question is: What setup do I need to properly test a JSON
> GET request that passes parameters, as above?

The get method is expecting its second argument to be a hash of
parameter name / value pairs, while JSON.encode is returning a string.
I'm not certain what you'll need to change, as I don't know what
format your controller is expecting the parameters in.

> Next, I'm concerned that if I succeed with TestCase's get method, I may
> run into a problem in my controller: is request.body available for a GET
> request like mine, or is it only for PUT/POST?

GET requests do not typically have request bodies - depending on your
web server, the body may or may not make it all the way to Rails. More
discussion here:


--Matt Jones

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