On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 16:14, Luis Lavena <luislav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It is funny that Ruby (mostly Rails) is only community I know that
> attacks developers using Windows

Whoa, hold on there buckaroo!

We do *not* "attack" them!  (Okay, maybe *some* people do, but the
Ruby community at large certainly doesn't, and frowns on those who
do.)  We just tell them that they're probably going to have some
additional difficulties.  If they want to keep developing Ruby under
Windows, for whatever reason, they're welcome to, and we'll gladly
give them what help we can.  However, a lot of it is based on the
values of environment variables (especially paths) and other things
that are a good bit harder to deal with properly under Windows than on
Unixes (including Linux and, under the hood, Mac).

If it were a matter of snobbery, you'd probably see the Linux and Mac
guys "attacking" each other.  But no, it's a simple realization that
some tools are better than others at certain things.  Yes, one could
argue that one of the above is better than the other for such tasks...
but the difference is small enough that it's not a significant added
difficulty, especially as compared to Windows.

Analogy: if you want to carve your turkey with an ordinary table
knife, because that's all you've got and after all that's what most
people use for most of their general food-prep-with-a-knife purposes,
you go right ahead.  It will still work OK (albeit with a lot more
effort), and we of the turkey-carving community will still give you
turkey-carving advice if you ask.  However, we'll still recommend you
use a proper carving knife, or maybe a butcher's knife, or at least a
large high-quality steak knife.  On the other claw, we also wouldn't
recommend using a carving knife for spreading butter on our dinner


LOOKING FOR WORK! What: Ruby (on/off Rails), Python, other modern languages.
Where: Northern Virginia, Washington DC (near Orange Line), and remote work.
See: davearonson.com (main) * codosaur.us (code) * dare2xl.com (excellence).
Specialization is for insects. (Heinlein) - Have Pun, Will Babble! (Aronson)

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