On 26 November 2011 21:14, Luis Lavena <luislav...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If the high proportion of what you see is people saying the same
>> thing... do you think that *maybe* they have a point...?
> Most of the times the developers giving those answers haven't touch
> Windows in the past 10 years, nor they know anything about
> RubyInstaller, RailsInstaller or other projects that work to improve
> the development ecosystem for Ruby.

That's another *big* sweeping statement on your part :-/

Personally, I think that given the shear weight of numbers, I doubt
that "most" of those developers aren't likely to have "touched Windows
in the past 10 years" (for instance, I spent the first six months of
this year developing a Rails app on Windows for a client - I wouldn't,
and I don't, recommend it, though sometimes needs must).

> It is funny that Ruby (mostly Rails) is only community I know that
> attacks developers using Windows while others like PHP or Python just
> accept them and try to point them to the right places.

Again... cite some of your sources for these assertions, as your
opinion is rapidly going downhill in my estimation when you say stuff
like this.

> You can download binary packages of mysql and extract in your home
> directory, without installation.

<snip other examples of non-admin installing>

Yes, and with those exact same rights, you can install a portable copy
of VirtualBox.

> So, you're ignoring that things work differently, period.

I'm ignoring nothing of the sort. I've never said (or ever recall
anyone else saying - though I'm willing to admin that I might have
missed a thread...please point me at it in the archives...) that these
things aren't possible. I *agree* with you that there are several
opportunities for people to develop on Windows. And if those tools are
increasing, so much the better. But when a person presents on this
list with some obscure OS-related problem, and does happen to be
working on a locked-down Windows machine, there is little to say but
"you really wouldn't have this problem if you were developing in *nix"
and "sorry, I don't use Windows, because when I did, I had problems
like these".

If they happen to be using RailsInstaller, and there is a Google group
for it, it seems to me the most simple solution to say "go ask over
there". No malice, or spite intended, it's just that that their
problem generally *isn't* with Rails, it's with Windows...

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