Java style. My eyeballs like it better and it 'flows' better visually. The .net 
humps look ugly. 

-- my 2ยข

Paul Nathan

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 2, 2013, at 6:28 PM, Patrick Walton <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Brendan Eich emailed me expressing a preference for `GC<>` over `Gc<>`. I 
> think now is as good a time as any to have the bikeshedding debate :)
> I've noticed two styles for acronyms in type names: Java style (HTTPServer) 
> versus .NET style (HttpServer). Currently we are usually using .NET style, 
> but inconsistently (e.g. ARC). We never really decided.
> Here are a few examples of types in each style:
> * Java style: GC<Foo>, ARC<int>, SimpleHTTPServer, XMLHTTPRequest.
> * .NET style: Gc<Foo>, Arc<int>, SimpleHttpServer, XmlHttpRequest.
> I slightly prefer Java style myself because I think "GC" looks better than 
> "Gc", because Web APIs use Java style, and because Python does (e.g. 
> SimpleHTTPServer) and in general we've been following PEP 8. But I don't feel 
> strongly on this issue.
> Thoughts/straw poll?
> Patrick
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