On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 7:31 PM, Gábor Lehel <illiss...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 5:11 PM, Marijn Haverbeke <mari...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Another problem with this proposal seems that it does away with the
>> possibility of explicitly grouping a bunch of methods that make up the
>> implementation of an interface. Implementing interfaces go-style, by
>> just happening to have implemented all the methods that make up the
>> interface, seems inappropriate for a language where interfaces aren't
>> structural.
> No, I completely agree with you here. Traits are awesome and if anyone
> wants to remove them, I will fight them with forks. The only difference in
> my proposal is how their methods would be scoped: they would be under the
> enclosing module, rather than the trait itself being a kind of module.
> Basically the Haskell model. (Except Haskell's module system is weaker than
> Rust's.)

Sorry, I think I might have misread the question, which I now believe was
not about traits, but about impls. Basically, only anonymous `impl`s would
go away. Trait impls would stay. But trait impls wouldn't have an effect on
scoping. (Trait methods would be scoped under the module enclosing the
trait, `impl`s would only affect for which types there exists an
implementation for them. You can' t currently choose whether or not to
export or import a trait impl, and you would continue to not be able to do

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