On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 8:16 PM, Patrick Walton <pwal...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> But then it seems strange to require that the methods be imported at all,
> if you're going to do single-dispatch type-based resolution on them anyway.

Well, it would do type-based resolution based on the methods which you
import :). You would still be the one doing the importing, instead of it
happening by magic. You could also /not/ import one or more of them, if you
wanted to, which you can currently only do on a per-trait granularity. And
the rest of the design would still be much cleaner. (Again, leaving to
modules what can be done with modules.)

But FWIW, I think this is mostly orthogonal. If you use dot syntax, method
lookup happens [somehow]. If it fails, you can do the other things. Maybe
method lookup happens with type-based resolution, as it does now. Or maybe
it requires that the name itself be unambiguous (which is simpler and
dumber), as with functions. That's not really the part I care about. The
part I care about is the separation of concerns.

> What we could do, perhaps, is add a third source of methods that the dot
> operator searches: functions in scope. This would allow methods to be
> attached anywhere to pre-existing types in an ad-hoc basis. I'm a bit
> nervous about complicating our already-complicated method lookup further,
> but maybe it makes sense to reduce the number of FooMethods traits people
> have to write, as well as to accommodate function chaining patterns.

I still can't speak to the method resolution code :), but I think this
would be a positive step. (Requiring the explicit `self` argument would
probably make sense, if this were to happen.)

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