Hello and a nice Monday i wish.

Chih-Hsuan Yen wrote in <CAMNjDR1sZcL1E0Qx2rynJgbTZ2LJqHhqxxS5zzPjOTjXS3\
 |Steffen Nurpmeso <stef...@sdaoden.eu> 於 2019年9月21日 週六 上午5:35寫道:
 |> Hello and good evening once more.
 |> I am sorry, i was a in a total hurry this afternoon, only three
 |> days of late summer left here before a lot of rain comes, and
 |> i really wanted to get out with my bicycle.  Sorry.
 |Thank you very much for the fast reponses! No hurry :)


 |> Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in <20190920144952.kff6g%stef...@sdaoden.eu>:
 |>|Chih-Hsuan Yen wrote in <CAMNjDR3R5GnwEmqCfyXHmR09W3mi06W9Py-pEnhi9wA=bQ\
 |>||I am a commiter of MacPorts, a package manager for Mac OS X/macOS.
 |>||Recently we are creating a package for this project as a replacement
 |>||of Heirloom's mailx. First I added this project as s-nail [1]. Later
 |>|Thank you, great!
 |>||another MacPorts commiter pointed out that it should be better to call
 |>||the package s-mailx [2]. From https://www.sdaoden.eu/code.html,
 |>||s-mailx appears to be the current name, while s-nail is also used many
 |>||times. Is the current official name for this project s-mailx or
 |>||s-nail? I will appreciate any input.
 |>|First of all this is all your thing.  You can use the VAL_SID= and
 |>|VAL_MAILX= make flags to adjust it the way you like, the default
 |>|is VAL_SID=s- and VAL_MAILX=nail, but in use is also VAL_SID=
 |>|VAL_MAILX=mailx, for example.  We are a POSIX mailx.
 |> So i see you actually do that already!
 |Yep I'd like to keep command names the same as Heirloom's mailx. The
 |first step to be a replacement :)


 |> Yes, whatever way you want it, we should still be a drop-in
 |> replacement for Heirloom mailx (with obsoletion warnings however,
 |> if you use it for more than just plain POSIX mailx stuff).
 |> This will no longer be true with v14.10.0 for more complicated
 |> setups.
 |>   ...
 |>|You can well name it mailx, it can do that.  But we are still
 |>|s-nail for a while.
 |>From the first letter, I think we'll keep the package name s-nail and
 |switch to s-mailx after 15.0 is out.

I really really look forward to the v15 framework.  I wish i had
more time.

 |> Great, Chih-Hsuan Yen.  Thank you very much, and do not hesitate
 |> to start screaming shall something not work out, please.
 |> For example, may i ask why you require the gawk(1) awk
 |> interpreter?  I do no longer have a usable MacOS installation
 |> around, i wonder why the default awk is not capable to dig our
 |> build script?
 |Mac's awk reports an error during generation of makefiles. As a result
 |generated makefiles are broken.
 |$ bash ../mk/make-rules.sh su/*.c
 |(...previous lines omitted...)
 |    $(ECHO_CC)$(CC) $(SU_CFLAGS) $(SU_INCS) -c -o $(@) $(SU_SRCDIR)su/prime\
 |    .c
 |su-017.o: $(SU_SRCDIR)su/sort.c \
 |         $(SU_INCDIR)su/code.h $(SU_INCDIR)su/sort.h
 |$(SU_INCDIR)su/code-in.h $(SU_INCDIR)su/code-ou.h
 |    $(ECHO_CC)$(CC) $(SU_CFLAGS) $(SU_INCS) -c -o $(@) $(SU_SRCDIR)su/sort.\
 |    c
 |su-018.o: $(SU_SRCDIR)su/utf.cawk: su/utf.c makes too many open files
 | input record number 18, file
 | source line number 74
 |As a record, the version of awk on macOS 10.14.6 is:
 |$ awk --version
 |awk version 20070501

Ah!  Of course, i had totally forgotten about this!  The Apple awk
leaks file descriptors, Alexander Harm of Homebrew reported it
last year i think it was.  Apple could really fix their base tools
once in a while.  Would not help you and MacPorts however, you
seem to have support for a lot of MacOS versions...

Chih-Hsuan Yen, i have a list of maintainer addresses for
emergency cases.  I mean, i do not expect such anymore, after we
have had that unfortunate CVE for our setuid helper, at least not
for the current state of affairs (maybe something more comes in
after v15), but i keep them around now shall anything happen.
Can i add your address as a MacPorts maintainer?

Ciao from Germany,

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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