Hi Nicolas,

Here is a review of algebras.py (that was on Florent's list):

(1) Is the method base_field really useful as is? It currently returns
     the same as base_ring and does not even check that its output is a field.
     For example:

     sage: Algebras(ZZ).base_field()
     Integer Ring

(2) Line 100:

     def from_base_ring(self, r):
         Canonical embedding from ground field

(3) Line 164. What is the method _div_ for? Is it for dividing by elements
     in the ground field?

(4) Line 185-7. Is it important in this code that you are dealing with a
     category of modules with *basis* as stated in the doc? If so, why is this 
not in
     algebras_with_basis.py? In fact, a DirectSumCategory also exists in that



Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
>       Dear category fans,
> For information: in principle, the new category code is now 100% doctested!
> Cheers,
>                               Nicolas

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