Dear category fans,

Thanks to Florent (and previous work by Anne, Jason, Franco, ...)  all
the sage-combinat related categories have a positive review. There
remains just the mostly trivial categories listed below which would be
best reviewed by some non-sage-combinat person (standard categories),
or specialist (number fields, schemes, ...).

Please help!

Other than that:

Craig: what's your time line for finalizing #5985, as a patch for python?

Robert: What's your time line for:
 - the review of categories-fixsagelib-nt.patch
 - finalizing #5597 [with patch, needs work] rename coercion action methods
 - finalizing #5598 [with patch, needs work] (allow post-creation (pre-use) 
declaration of coercions)
   Does the later really depend on the former?

Robert: Florent did review the category+cython proof of concept
example of semigroup. Could you still have a glance at it?

David Roe: what's your time line for the review of

Craig, Robert, Carl: what's the status for #5986. Remember that I am
not convinced that the alternative metaclass approach (using #6121)
will be practical. So if you insist going this way, you have to
implement it, or at the very least to provide me with a proof of
concept patch covering all the use cases.



all                            (100% doctest)
basic                          (100% doctest)

algebra_ideals                 (100% doctest)
algebra_modules                (100% doctest)
bimodules                      (100% doctest)
commutative_algebra_ideals     (100% doctest)
commutative_algebras           (100% doctest)
commutative_ring_ideals        (100% doctest)
commutative_rings              (100% doctest)
division_rings                 (100% doctest)
entire_rings                   (100% doctest)
euclidean_domains              (100% doctest)
fields                         (100% doctest)
finite_fields                  (100% doctest)
gcd_domains                    (100% doctest)
hecke_modules                  (100% doctest)
integral_domains               (100% doctest)
left_modules                   (100% doctest)
matrix_algebras                (100% doctest)
modular_abelian_varieties      (100% doctest)
modules                        (100% doctest)
monoid_algebras                (100% doctest)
number_fields                  (100% doctest)
objects                        (100% doctest)
ordered_monoids                (100% doctest)
ordered_sets                   (100% doctest)
pointed_sets                   (100% doctest)
principal_ideal_domains        (100% doctest)
quotient_fields                (100% doctest)
right_modules                  (100% doctest)
ring_ideals                    (100% doctest)
rings                          (100% doctest)
rngs                           (100% doctest)
schemes                        (100% doctest)
sets_with_partial_maps         (100% doctest)
unique_factorization_domains   (100% doctest)
vector_space                   (100% doctest)

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <>

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