On Fri, Oct 09, 2009 at 12:25:54AM -0700, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> > Robert: What's your time line for:
> >  - the review of categories-fixsagelib-nt.patch
> >  - finalizing #5597 [with patch, needs work] rename coercion action  
> > methods
> Rebased, has doctests, needs review.

Yep. Will review very soon, unless someone beats me to it! (last week
has been loaded with teaching)

> >  - finalizing #5598 [with patch, needs work] (allow post-creation  
> > (pre-use) declaration of coercions)
> >    Does the later really depend on the former?

> No, I don't think there's a dependancy. Lots of doctest failures,
> but I bet they're all due to the same bug or two. I'll get to it
> within a week.


> > Robert: Florent did review the category+cython proof of concept
> > example of semigroup. Could you still have a glance at it?
> Sure, link?


See sage.categories.examples.semigroups_cython with the category patches 


> > Craig, Robert, Carl: what's the status for #5986. Remember that I am
> > not convinced that the alternative metaclass approach (using #6121)
> > will be practical. So if you insist going this way, you have to
> > implement it, or at the very least to provide me with a proof of
> > concept patch covering all the use cases.

> We're pretty sure it can be done--proof of concept in the
> works. We'd really like to get this pickling thing out of the way
> without adding ugliness that will never go upstream (and I've always
> regretting letting cruft get in as it seems to never actually get
> cleaned up until it really bites and is a mess.)

As I said on sage-combinat-devel, I am now convinced by your
alternative workaround which is slick and well localized.

> P.S. Cool category graph


Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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