Nicolas wrote:

> > Is it possible to conjecture a timetable for the root system 
> > patch (#4326)?
> Given how wrong my previous conjecture has been, I am reluctant saying
> anything, though I am finally quite hopeful. If the category patches
> indeed get reviewed quickly, we can give it a strong push to get the
> second batch of patches in as well for 4.2:

I wrote:

> > Is this question addressed to me, or ?
> Yes. 

I think it's important that the root system patch get in soon
after the category patches, since it's been holding things up,
some for long amounts of time.

> Note that the root system patch depends on the category 
> patches, which why it came in this thread. Various other
> long pending patches depend on it.

Anne wrote:

> Ticket #3663 is the big crystal patch that should go into sage once
> the rootsystem patch #4326 has gone in. None of the other patches
> I submitted depended on the category code.

I will review it this weekend.

Also there is #5794, which has been pending for six months.


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