I posted this question 
on AskSage and it was suggested I post the question here. This is what
I originally asked:

"Does sage support manipulating multi-symmetric functions/polynomials
and/or multi-partitions? Multi-symmetric functions are like the usual
symmetric ones, except the symmetric group acts by permuting "vectors"
of variables simultaneously, e.g. for an two vectors
$x=(x1,x2…),y=(y1,y2,…)$, $\Sigma_2$, acts by permuting $x,y$. A multi-
partition of a $n$-tuple $B=(b1,…,bn)$ of natural numbers is a
unordered set of $n$-tuples $A1,…,Al$ with $A1+⋯+Al=B$.

I'd like to have a combinatorial class of multi-partitions with
similar functionality as partitions, e.g. .first(), .last() methods
and iter(). I'd also like to have a class like
SymmetricFunctionAlgebra, but with multi-symmetric functions instead.
I've had a bit of a poke around and there's some functionality in
Maxima (in the Sym) package that might help, but not quite like what I
want (that I can find). So, before writing code, I'm asking here.

If the code needs to be written, I'm quite keen to make it my first
(hopefully of many) contribution to sage..."

To give a little more info, I'm working on a problem trying to
determine when a certain set of polynomials generates the function
field of the multi-symmetric polynomials over a field. As a first
step, I'm trying to write some code to investigate the relations
between symmetrized monomials in the inverse limit ring, i.e. the ring
of multi-symmetric functions. Using Groebner bases seems to be much
too slow for this purpose. At the moment, I'm just exploring this ring
rather than trying to come up with an method of solving the problem.
Ultimately I'd like to contribute back with multi-partition class as
described above and a MultiSymmetricFunctionAlgebra class or something
along those lines.


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