On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 11:49:16PM +0100, Emmanuel Briand wrote:
> Ok.
> So I have the following implemented in Maple:
> * generation of vector partitions.
> * change of basis: between monomial, elementary and power sums.
> * Hilbert series for the algebra of multisymmetric polynomials.
> * Computation of the relations between the elementary polynomials (the
> output is even a Gröbner basis for the ideal of relations).
> This can be surely ported in Sage.

I should think so! Do you have some code I can have look at? It will
save me some time if you have the algorithms already written (albiet
in Maple). I'm particularly intersted in the Gröbner basis for the
ideal of relations.

Thus far, I have a basic implementation of multi-partitions based on the
partitions code and a basic implementation of multi-symmetric
functions based on the SymmetricFunctionAlgebra code. I'll try to get
these up on the web somewhere soon. 

I'm wondering if the best way to implement multi-symmetric functions
is as I've done so far, using SymmetricFunctionAlgebra as a model,
which means my MultiSymmetricFunctionAlgebra class extends
CombinatorialFreeModule in the category of GradedHopfAlgebrasWithBasis
or should I use the CombinatorialAlgebra class? Is there a reason why
SymmetricFunctionAlgebra doesn't extend CombinatorialAlgebra? Is it
historical, or for efficiency, or something else?


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