Hi all. Sorry for the extended period with out any updates. I got an
implementation of what I needed from multi-partitions and multi-
symmetric functions up and running and ran the code I needed. That's
essentially done now, though I haven't solved my problem. I need to
submit my Ph.D. thesis this year and I'm writing it up on some other
work I've done (don't ask why I ended doing two different things for
my Ph.D.!). The original code was a bit of a mess, but I'm cleaning it
up and adding docstrings etc. and making it generally suitable for
submission to sage.

I've posted to sage-devel asking if I should submit a trac ticket
about including multi-partitions into sage. If I get a positive
response I'll open a ticket and probably post a patch late next week.

As to multi-symmetric functions, I'll get to work cleaning that code
up soon and will do the same sage-devel + trac ticket + patch process.
It so happened that I didn't need all that much functionality from
multi-symmetric functions so there's not a lot there yet. I'll start
adding in functionality as I go along.


On Dec 14 2010, 12:26 am, "Nicolas M. Thiery" <Nicolas.Thi...@u-
psud.fr> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 07:24:06AM +1100,PaulBryanwrote:
> > >     sage: CombinatorialAlgebra?
> > >     Deprecated! Don't use!
> > > Granted it's not very explicit :-)
> > It's not mentioned on the reference page. I haven't looked at the
> > code, perhaps it's mentioned there?
> ? It's been added to the documentation in November 2009. See:
> http://www.sagemath.org/doc/reference/sage/combinat/combinatorial_alg...
> I guess we should make it more prominent next time we touch this file.
> Cheers,
>                                 Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas M. Thi ry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/

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