On 1/30/11 4:28 PM, bump wrote:
Anne wrote:

For trac 8442, how did you make the .png files that appear in you
tutorial? Did you make them using sage?

Most of them were made using metapost, I think.

the 3 and the 4 in the tensor product need to be switched.


I'll get you a corrected .png. I can either make another ticket or you
include it as part of 10485.

If it is more convenient for you, I can include it into 10485.

Of course you will feel free to revise the existing crystal chapter if
you see improvements. It occurred to me after
seeing Nicolas' message earlier in this thread that maybe there
should be something more about viewing crystals.

Yes, I already made improvements to this chapter, also in view of the
spin tableaux. A first draft is on the sage-combinat server. Once I have
a more document I will post it on trac.


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