Dear poset fans,

I posted below the current log of the patch. Altogether, I am
essentially done, except for looking at the antichains optimizations,
and a couple issues to be discussed now:

- Currently P.hasse_diagram() returns a graph G whose nodes are the
  elements of P (wrapped as elements of P; so one needs to do
  x.element to actually get the original element). This graph is still
  in the HasseDiagram class. The issue is that HasseDiagram's expect
  their vertices to be 0,1,...,n-1, so most of the extra methods just

  Option 1: P.hasse_diagram() returns a plain digraph

  Option 2: P.hasse_diagram() returns the internal HasseDiagram, with
            vertices labelled 0,1,...,n

  What do you prefer? I personally vote for 2; as a user, that's what
  I would expect.

  Another question is whether we want the vertices P.hasse_diagram()
  to be wrapped or not. And if we are unhappy with the situation, is
  still time to change this?

- There are many methods that are duplicated, depending on whether we
  go up or down (order_ideal / order_filter, ...). It would make sense
  to factor out the code, by using an option like:

      sage: P.order_ideal(direction="up")

  (of course keeping P.order_filter as a backward compatibility alias)

  I have already used such an option for some of the new methods. What
  would be good names for this option and its possible values?

      sage: P.order_ideal(ideal = 'up')          # resp. 'down'
      sage: P.order_ideal(direction = 'ideal')   # resp. 'filter'

- Do we want panyuschev_complement to accept such an option?
  If yes, should the option describe the direction of the ideal or of
  its complement?

- Should methods like order_ideal, order_ideal_generators,
  panyushev_complement return set's, tuple's, list's, or Set's?
  Currently it's some sort of a mix. I could be convinced to use Sets,
  but don't have a strong opinion.

- Does anyone care if the hash function for posets changes? Otherwise
  we could just use the default implementation provided by UniqueRepresentation.


- Adds new categories: Posets(), Lattices() and their finite variants
- Puts Posets(), Posets(n), Poset(...), LatticePoset(...) ... all in
  the appropriate categories
- Fix a couple glitches caught by the generic tests (containment,
  an_element, ...)
- Add unique representation to Posets

- Adds the following methods:
  - order_ideal_generators, order_filter_generators
  - is_poset_morphism, is_poset_isomorphism
  - is_lattice_morphism
  - panyushev_complement, panyushev_orbits

- Standardizes the comparison function names to,y) / le / gt / ge / ...
  (TODO: finish)
- Changes the hash of poset elements to delegate the work to the hash
  of the underlying element (typically much faster than using repr)

- Systematic renaming of __repr__ to _repr_ in all the Poset code

- Poset elements now have unique representation. This noticably
  reduces the overhead of conversion from internal vertices and
  elements. In the following an example posted by Christian on
  sage-combinat-devel, P.antichains() used to take more than 6s before
  the patch:

    sage: P = Posets.DiamondPoset(18)
    sage:  %time A = P._hasse_diagram.antichains()
    CPU times: user 0.63 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.63 s
    Wall time: 0.65 s
    sage: %time A = P.antichains()
    CPU times: user 1.05 s, sys: 0.02 s, total: 1.07 s
    Wall time: 1.11 s

- As an experimental feature, one can construct facade posets::

        sage: P = Poset(DiGraph({'d':['c','b'],'c':['a'],'b':['a']}),
        ...             facade = True)

    In this example, the elements of the posets remain plain strings::

        sage: d,c,b,a = list(P)
        sage: type(a)
        <type 'str'>

    Of course, those strings are not aware of `P`. So to compare two
    such strings, one needs to query `P`::

        sage: a < b

    which models the usual mathematical notation `a<_P b`.

Depends on: #10651 (empty set), #9065 (facade sets), #10938 (Set-issubset)

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <>

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