Hey Nicolas,

> >    - IntegerListsLex no longer inherits from CombinatorialClass, but 
> instead 
> >    from Parent with elements of ClonableArray 
> Have you made some timings to measure the improvement? 

No I haven't. I just remove the (deprecated-ish) CombinatorialClass and 
made sure IntergerListsLex were in the category framework. I'll make some 
timings tonight/tomorrow.

> >    - Added partition options which can do French/English, latex outputs, 
> >    Ferrers' diagram characters, some ordering 
> Just checking since I haven't followed seriously sage-combinat-devel 
> lately; for the semantic-changing options: 
>   +1 on Partitions(order=...) 
>   -1 on Partitions().options(order=...) 

I'm currently planning on changing it to the first way.

> >    - Deprecating the following methods and classes: 
> >        * evaluation() 
> What is the rationale? 

It was from MuPAD-combinat and the name doesn't make sense to me. I don't 
feel strongly about this, so if you (or anyone else) want to keep it there, 
I have no objections.

> >        * OrderedPartitions_nk -- Renamed to OrderedPartitions since the 
> >    function OrderedPartitions just created this 
> >        * ... and all variants ... 
> It is likely that we will eventually have OrderedPartitions() 
> construct the set of all ordered partitions. It would thus be natural 
> to reserve the name OrderedPartitions for the class of this set. 

So then make OrderedPartitions similar to how Partitions is (as a factory 

> >    - Changed *_lengths into *_length_tableau() (ex. arm_lengths() 
> becomes 
> >    arm_length_tableau() ) and deprecated old names 
> What is the rational? 

The output is a tableau (whose entries are the *_lengths) and I believe it 
is more clear. Again I have no strong opinions.

> >    - Made Partitions_n inherit from Partitions 
> This breaks the "is_a" rule: the set of all partitions of 3 is not an 
> instance of the class Partitions; the (by the way unique) instance of 
> the latter indeed models the set of all partitions. Hmm, I would have 
> expected UniqueRepresentation to bark about this. 

When I said inherit, I meant I made Partitions_n a subclass of Partitions. 
If we're on the same page with that, then I don't quite see the problem.

> >    The other 3 are more serious and have to do with docstring 
> >    testing. Apparently if a parent class has a category which has a 
> >    default implementation of a method, that category's 
> >    implementation is what's called, despite if the parent defines 
> >    the same function. 
> This is not supposed to happen. Let me know if you manage to narrow 
> down the problem into something reproducible. 

If you run sage -t partition.py with the current version of the patch, 
you'll see this occur (in particular, it doesn't know how to handle the 
additional arguments). I'll write a small example illustrating this and 
open a new trac ticket.

Thank you,

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