Hellooooooooooooo !!

>> Oddly, knowing that it has been known for two years that this function
returned wrongs results, and that nobody cared enough to fix it is not
exactly a comforting thought.
> Oddly, given that the sage-combinat discussion referred to above was in
2012, I make it one year (definitely odd since two is even).

Well. The ticket has been opened two years ago, though. Do you take a
one-year long discussion about a "misleading doc" to be a step toward the
right direction ? :-P

> Although I do share your annoyance when things don't work perfectly


> I don't find this in the least bit odd because trac lists some (sometimes
serious) bugs in sage that have been known since 2007.

Well, unless you plan on fixing them during the next 5 years (that is,
tomorrow), it would be cool to add warning messages for the users. Because
they don't know, and they can be led into trouble because of that.

> There's even quite a few old graph theory tickets with your name directly
attached to them. That's definitely odd!

Really ? Like what, feature requests from myself to myself ? :-P

> To be honest Nathan, I also find your penchant for flaming sage-combinat
slightly odd

Yeah, sorry. I think I wasn't like that one year ago, because then I never
touched Sage combinat and so I had no direct contact with its members. I
think it began when I started working with Nicolas and Florent. Since then
I started to "talk" to Sage-combinat members, and I heard "I'll fix it
later" so many times that it drove me crazy. So now I write to
Sage-combinat instead.

> but I am sure that there is some rational explanation such as some
childhood trauma associated with the counting large primes or the odd order

My childhood was happy, and I had never heard of prime numbers at that time

> I'm sure that "How to make friends and influence people" warns against
flaming in cooperative projects as it rarely achieves any of your desired
aims, except possibly for short term amusement.

That's an interesting point. See, I don't believe in fighting to achieve
aims. I think that carelessness and bad work should be reported and brought
to the light. It's not about getting stuff fixed at the cost of honesty. Of
course I could just clean all the bad work I see and keep silent about it,
but that's not the point. I don't want to spend my lifetime cleaning
combinat/ code. This is the difference between "a bug" and "bad work". I
have nothing against bug. They happen. That's all. I have something against
people knowing the existence of nasty bugs (returning wrong results
silently is a nasty bug) and doing nothing about it. Or hoping that someone
else can fix it. That's the thing I fight against. I don't fight against

> Well, oddly, I've never read this book but I think it would be odd if it
didn't say something like this.


> Any way, these odd issues aside of your aside, thanks for fixing the

It isn't fixed until the patch is reviewed :-P

It's like #14019. Which was to be addressed "within one month", ten months


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