On Sat, 28 Oct 2006 06:47:59 -0500, David Harvey  
> On Oct 28, 2006, at 3:18 AM, William Stein wrote:
>> Moreover, if you use R['...'] notation anywhere in library code it
>> doesn't
>> affect the interpreter's variables at all -- it only affects the
>> scope where
>> R['...'] is used.
> I'm not sure if I totally believe this.

It is true.  I've done tests.  However, it's not true in Pyrex code, which
is why it's possible to do this -- but for Python library code
the module scope is different and what I said above is true.

> Does it work correctly if someone types this from the ipython prompt:
> sage: S = ZZ['x']
> sage: def f():
> ...            T = QQ['x']
> sage: f()
> sage: parent(x)
> ???
> i.e. is "x" being defined in the scope of f, or in global scope?
> i.e. does it have the same behaviour as
> sage: S.<x> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
> sage: def f():
> ...            T.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
> sage: f()
> sage: parent(x)
> Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring

The behavior there is not the same.   I.e., after calling f x will
be set to the QQ variable.  But that's *not* library code.

Obviously there are some potential drawbacks to this. But from
a usability point of view the good outweighs the bad.  I spent
a week just now at an algebraic geometry software conference,
and was very surprised to learn that the MAGMA (=SAGE) way of
defining polynomial indeterminates is not what any other algebraic
geometry software does, and during the MAGMA tutorial I even got
the impression that it is very broken from an interactive usability
point of view.  All other systems do something like
and then the variables are defined.

One nice thing about doing this is that we could get rid of the
    T.<x> = blah
preparser notation.  I'm always very happy when the preparser
gets simpler!   I got rid of a ton of code related to list indexes
with Python 2.5's new __index__ method.


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