Hi Sage Devs,

Any thoughts about enabling "Github Discussions" for SageMath on
Github now?  The tab is already visible, but somebody has
to I think fully enable it and do some configuration.


This can be used much like ask.sagemath.org or sage-support, but is
more modern and easy to moderate.    It's also very easy
to move a github issue to be a discussion, when somebody opens an
issue that really should just be a request for help.

I was motivated to mention this, because somebody just asked CoCalc
support some question about computing in group
rings, and I have no idea what the answer is, but I also don't love
pointing them at sage-support or ask.sagemath, since I
know there can be a lot of friction.  Pointing them at
https://github.com/sagemath/sage/discussions/ would be nice.

Some examples of use of Github discussions by other projects:

- Next js (a react framework) uses it very heavily --
- CoCalc -- we use it a bit:  https://github.com/sagemathinc/cocalc/discussions



William (http://wstein.org)

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