On Wed, 8 Feb 2023 at 20:20, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Many thanks for sharing this from the *developer* point of view.  I'm very
> much thinking about this problem entirely from the end-user-of-sage point
> of view (i.e., me right now).    Did you also encounter problems using
> discussions with sympy from the end user point of view?

I don't personally like the format(s) but I haven't seen users having
problems with the interface itself. The quality of
dialogue/interaction with users there is low though. The threads that
have a reasonable dialogue are actually just developers talking to
each other rather than users getting their questions answered.

> Glancing at the sympy Discussions at
> https://github.com/sympy/sympy/discussions
> I had a positive impression, since there's a lot of activity, with
> questions clearly marked "answered", etc.
> So thanks for sharing how painful that can be from the dev side.

What won't be obvious from a distance is that all of the people
answering the questions are the same people who would normally respond
to issues and would submit or review pull requests etc. In fact many
of the people asking the questions are also people who are submitting
pull requests so many are not really "user" questions. The mailing
list has broader reach and there questions usually get asked and
answered in the first instance by people who are not maintainers (more
like "power users"). Likewise there are many people who answer
questions on StackOverflow but who have little or no involvement on

The implication then is that Discussions can provide a support channel
that is only watched by maintainers. Partly that's bad because it
places additional burden on those maintainers but also compared to a
mailing list it has no sense of community and no wider discussion.
There are no other users watching the questions and answers and either
learning from them or contributing their own solutions or follow up
questions. That's also a loss because I think that other "users" will
often have a very different perspective from the small group of
maintainers and I think that community building is more important than
providing immediate Q+A.


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