On Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 6:48:47 AM UTC-8 Eric Gourgoulhon wrote:

[...] the file
contains the line:

PILLOW_CONFIG_SETTINGS="-C debug=true -C jpeg=disable 

Is there any reason for "jpeg=disable" ? 

This was done in 2016, see 
apparently for platform support reasons

Providing PIL without jpeg support seems quite weird...

I agree

This issue is not new and was already noticed already 5 years ago:

A side effect of this is that the IPyhon  rendering of PIL Images via the 
rich output mechanism is broken in Sage 10.2.rc3 (but, for some reasons, 
not in Sage 10.1)

This temporarily worked accidentally because Pillow had made an 
incompatible change to the format of its configuration settings. I repaired 
that as part of the Pillow 10 upgrade 
in https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/36320

If we agree to restore jpeg support in Pillow, I have prepared a branch 
that does this for Sage 10.2 (simply suppressing the option "jpeg=disable"):
and I am happy to submit a PR for this.

Yes, please. 


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